
Site entity fields

Attention! We strongly recommend first to learn more about Sites module REST documentation to understand how the module functions (with REST available in Bitrix24 Self-hosted editions). View this documentation as useful source when working with Bitrix24 Self-hosted editions and find out more details about API and only REST is not enough.

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Field Description
ID Site ID. Created automatically and is unique within the database.
CODE Unique site ID. Required field.
ACTIVE Site active status: Y / N.
TYPE Site type. (PAGE – standard site, STORE – online store).
DELETED Flag for deleted page status Entities marked as deleted are not included into any queries. System doe not see them. You can use these entities using API and only by directly indicating filter as DELETED=Y. : Y / N.
TITLE Site name. Required field.
XML_ID External key for developers. Now use by the service
DESCRIPTION Arbitrary site description. Printed in site list
  1. For Bitrix24 Self-hosted. When field is not passed and is empty, a random domain is created in domain zone. Otherwise registers the new specified domain in the domain zone, if it's not occupied. Required field.
SMN_SITE_ID Main module site ID (for example, s1). Enables Sites24 in the corresponding main module site admin section.
LANDING_ID_INDEX Page ID, specified as the main page.
LANDING_ID_404 Page ID, specified as site 404 error.
CREATED_BY_ID ID for user who creates a site.
MODIFIED_BY_ID ID for user who updated a site.
DATE_CREATE date when created.
DATE_MODIFY Date when modified.
TPL_ID Template ID. Template field.

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