

PropertyTable class handles iblock property table.

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
getFilePathReturns path to file containing class definition.
getMapReturns list of fields for iblock property table.
getTableNameReturns name for iblock property table in database.
validateCodeReturns validator for the field CODE.
validateFileTypeReturns validator for the field FILE_TYPE.
validateHintReturns validator for the field HINT.
validateNameReturns validator for the field NAME.
validateTmpIdReturns validator for the field TMP_ID.
validateUserTypeReturns validator for the field USER_TYPE.
validateXmlIdReturns validator for the field XML_ID .

Constants for iblock custom properties

It's recommended to use constants when analyzing the field USER_TYPE value of iblock properties.

ConstantValue DescriptionAvailable from version
USER_TYPE_DATEDate Date property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_DATETIMEDateTime Date/Time property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_XML_IDElementXmlID Link to elements by XML_ID property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_FILE_MANFileMan Link to file (on server) property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_HTMLHTML HTML/text property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_ELEMENT_LISTEList Link to elements (drop-down list) property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_SEQUENCESequence Counter property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_ELEMENT_AUTOCOMPLETEEAutocomplete Link-to-element autocomplete text box property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_SKUSKU Link to product items (SKU) property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_SECTION_AUTOCOMPLETESectionAuto Bind to sections with autocomplete property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_DIRECTORYdirectory Directory property ID.23.0.0
USER_TYPE_CRMCRM Bind To CRM items property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_MONEYMoney Money property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_DISKDiskFile File (Drive) property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_GOOGLE_MAPmap_google Bind to Google Maps property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_YANDEX_MAPmap_yandex Bind to Yandex.Maps property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_FORUM_TOPICTopicID Link to forum topic property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_DIRECTORYdirectory Directory property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_EMPLOYEEemployee Bind to employee property ID.23.300.0
USER_TYPE_USERUserID Bind to user property ID.23.300.0

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