Views: 11068
Last Modified: 17.11.2014

The CUSTOM parameter type gives total freedom of customization to the developer. For example, there is a system or a third party component. Depending on the template there is a need to add specific settings to the component.

It can be done as follows:

Example Description
JS_FILE The file containing JS code that is responsible for displaying the custom option
JS_EVENT Callback function that will be called after loading JS_FILE
JS_DATA Additional data transmitted to JS_EVENT

Example JS_DATA:

data:JS_DATA, //JS_DATA from .parameters.php
oCont: td,    /* the container where custom control panel can be located with the parameter */
oInput: input,//input in which the parameter value will be transmitted to server during saving
popertyID:"MAP_DATA",//parameter name
propertyParams: { /*...*/ },//The object with the same contents as the parameter array in .parameters.php
fChange:function(){ /*...*/ },//callback for call during parameter change
getElements:function(){ /*...*/ }//returns the object with all parameters of the component

Implementation in a Standard Component

Let us consider an example of using CUSTOM parameter type in the standard component

We can see the following in the file .parameters.php:

$arComponentParameters = array(
'MAP_DATA' => array(
            'NAME' => GetMessage('MYMS_PARAM_DATA'),
            'TYPE' => 'CUSTOM',
            'JS_FILE' => '/bitrix/components/bitrix/',
            'JS_EVENT' => 'OnGoogleMapSettingsEdit',
            'JS_DATA' => LANGUAGE_ID.'||'.GetMessage('MYMS_PARAM_DATA_SET'),
            'DEFAULT' => serialize(array(
                'google_lat' => GetMessage('MYMS_PARAM_DATA_DEFAULT_LAT'),
                'google_lon' => GetMessage('MYMS_PARAM_DATA_DEFAULT_LON'),
                'google_scale' => 13
            'PARENT' => 'BASE',

In the file /bitrix/components/bitrix/

function JCEditorOpener(arParams)
    this.jsOptions ='||');
    this.arParams = arParams;

    var obButton = document.createElement('BUTTON');//creating a button
    this.arParams.oCont.appendChild(obButton);// adding to container
    obButton.innerHTML = this.jsOptions[1];//text from JS_DATA
    obButton.onclick = BX.delegate(this.btnClick, this);//specify callback functions
    this.saveData = BX.delegate(this.__saveData, this);

Clicking the button opens the dialog generated in /bitrix/components/bitrix/ The current value of MAP_DTA is transmitted in the query to settings.php.


<p><b><? echo GetMessage('MYMV_SET_POPUP_WINDOW_TITLE')?></b></p>
<p class="note"><? echo GetMessage('MYMV_SET_POPUP_WINDOW_DESCRIPTION')?></p>

Content Block


Buttons Block


Save Button

<input type="submit" value="<?echo GetMessage('MYMV_SET_SUBMIT')?/>" onclick="return jsGoogleCE.__saveChanges();"/>
$obJSPopup->ShowStandardButtons(array('cancel'));//cancel button

В __saveChanges() the data are serialized in a string and written into oInput. The serialization function in js to the php format can be looked up in bitrix/components/bitrix/ In the component the de-serialization is performed from $arParam[~MAP_DATA].


The language file is located in lang/en/.parameters.php. When using the CUSTOM parameter type, do not forget to add messages to this file.

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