Views: 9102
Last Modified: 15.09.2014

The file structure in the structure management module is shown separated by websites in order to facilitate work with information content of websites. In the Site Explorer section the website structure is shown in two options: as a logical structure of different websites and a physical structure of files and folders on the server.

Logical Structure

In this case, the logical structure of websites is separated as follows:

The logical structure of the website is created on the basis of the headers which are set in the dialog of the folder properties.

The same headers are used when a website navigation chain is built.

A name for the files in the logical structure is created based on a page header set during page editing.

Physical Structure

In case multisiting in different domains is used, the physical structure or the structure of files and folders will be shown broken down by websites (similarly to the logical structure).

In case a one domain multisiting is used, the structure of both websites is available simultaneously when the structure of files and folders is viewed as shown in the figure.

The folder which is the root of the second website is marked with a frame.

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