Views: 9059
Last Modified: 22.09.2014
Bitrix Framework offers the possibility to create and support an unlimited number of websites based on a single product copy. The standard product package includes a license for two websites. You have to acquire additional licenses for the required number of websites in order to create additional websites.
Within the system, a website is a totality of the following:
- Database account. It is created in the Administrative Section (Control Panel > Settings > System settings > Websites > Websites) and comprises the following main parameters:
- ID - a set of symbols identifying the website;
- Domain - one or several domain names of the website;
- Site folder - a path to the catalog where the public part of the website will be stored;
- Website name;
- Server URL (without http://) - default domain name (e.g.,;
- Default Email address;
- DocumentRoot. If multiple sites are implemented using different domains, this parameter must store the path to the website root in the server’s file system;
- Regional settings, including:
- Date format;
- Date-time format;
- First day of the week;
- Name format;
- Encoding;
- Text orientation.
- Template. Each site may have more than one template to display its public part; each such template can be connected according to a specific condition.
- Public part - a set of pages located in the "site folder" and belonging to this website.
- Settings - each system module may have a number of settings connected with website.
E.g., for the module Information Blocks these settings represent a binding of the information block to a certain website, and for the Helpdesk module – a binding of a status, query category, etc. to a website.
Important! In the public part, the ID of the current website is stored in the constant SITE_ID.