Views: 20826
Last Modified: 15.09.2014

The class CUserTypeEntity is in charge of work with custom fields.

An example of adding a String-type custom property

 * Adding a custom property
$oUserTypeEntity    = new CUserTypeEntity();
$aUserFields    = array(
* Identifier of an entity to which the property will be bound.
* The following format is used for a section - IBLOCK_{IBLOCK_ID}_SECTION
    'ENTITY_ID'         => 'IBLOCK_3_SECTION',
/* Field code. It must always begin with UF_ */
    'FIELD_NAME'        => 'UF_DEV2DAY_FIELD',
    /* Indicate that the type of the new custom property is string */
    'USER_TYPE_ID'      => 'string',
* XML_ID of the custom property.
* To be used during uploading as a field name
'XML_ID'            => 'XML_ID_DEV2DAY_FIELD',
/* Sorting */
'SORT'              => 500,
/* Whether the field is multiple or not */
'MULTIPLE'          => 'N',
/* Whether the property is mandatory or not */
    'MANDATORY'         => 'N',
* Show in the list filter. Possible values:
* Do not show = N, exact match = I,
* mask search = E, substring search = S
    'SHOW_FILTER'       => 'N',
* Do not show in the list. 
    'SHOW_IN_LIST'      => '',
* Do not permit editing by users.
    'EDIT_IN_LIST'      => '',
    /* Field values participate in the search */
    'IS_SEARCHABLE'     => 'N',
* Additional field settings (depend on the type).
* In our case, for the string type
    'SETTINGS'          => array(
        /* Default value */
        'DEFAULT_VALUE' => '',
        /* Entry field size for display */
        'SIZE'          => '20',
/* Number of rows in the entry field */
        'ROWS'          => '1',
        /* Minimum length of the line (0 – do not verify) */
        'MIN_LENGTH'    => '0',
/* Maximum length of the line (0 – do not verify) */
        'MAX_LENGTH'    => '0',
        /* A regular expression for verification */
        'REGEXP'        => '',
/* Edit form label */
    'EDIT_FORM_LABEL'   => array(
        'en'    => 'User field',
/* List label */
    'LIST_COLUMN_LABEL' => array(
        'en'    => 'User field',
/* List filter label */
    'LIST_FILTER_LABEL' => array(
'en'    => 'User field',
/* Error message (optional) */
    'ERROR_MESSAGE'     => array(
        'en'    => 'An error in completing the user field',
/* Help */
    'HELP_MESSAGE'      => array(
'en'    => '',
$iUserFieldId   = $oUserTypeEntity->Add( $aUserFields ); // int

If a correct property is added to the variable $iUserFieldId, the identifier of the new custom property will be returned.

In order to create custom fields of other types, replace the value of USER_TYPE_ID:

  • enumeration - List
  • double - Number
  • integer - Integral number
  • boolean - Yes/No
  • string - String
  • file - File
  • video - Video
  • datetime - Date/Time
  • iblock_section - Binding to infoblock sections
  • iblock_element - Binding to infoblock elements
  • string_formatted - Template
  • crm - Binding to CRM elements
  • crm_status - Binding to CRM reference tables

Custom Property Update

When updating a custom property, the changes in its type (USER_TYPE_ID), object to be bound (ENTITY_ID), and field code (FIELD_NAME) are restricted. It is connected with possible errors in linking values and entities. If one of these fields is to be changed, first of all a new custom property must be created, with all the values bound to it. That done, the old property must be deleted.

An example of a custom property update:

$oUserTypeEntity->Update( $iUserFieldId, array(
    'MANDATORY' => 'Y',
) ); // boolean;

The example establishes that the field is mandatory.

Custom Field Removal

The identifier of a custom field must be submitted:

$oUserTypeEntity->Delete( $iUserFieldId );   // CDBResult

Adding and Updating Values of Custom Fields

Adding and updating is also implemented through the CUserTypeManager and the Update method.

$aSection   = CIBlockSection::GetList( array(), array(
    'IBLOCK_CODE'   => 'shop_news',
    'CODE'          => 'test_section',
) )->Fetch();
if( !$aSection ) {
    throw new Exception( 'No section is found' );
$USER_FIELD_MANAGER->Update( 'IBLOCK_3_SECTION', $aSection['ID'], array(
    'UF_DEV2DAY_FIELD'  => 'updated value'
) ); // boolean

If the update is successful, the method will return true.

Adding a Custom Property to an Infoblock Section

If a custom property is to be added to an infoblock section using the Bitrix-API mechanism, the following code with variations must be used:

$arFields = Array(
"USER_TYPE_ID" => "string",
"EDIT_FORM_LABEL" => Array("en"=>"title")
$obUserField  = new CUserTypeEntity;

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