Views: 10487
Last Modified: 10.10.2024
Module Installation
The module is installed in the administrative interface on the page Settings > System settings > Modules by clicking the button Install. In this case, the method of the DoInstall class will be called with a name coinciding with the module ID. This class must be described in the file /bitrix/modules/ID модуля/install/index.php.
During module installation, the following steps must be performed without fail:
- Register the module using the function RegisterModule.
- If the module has administrative scripts then access scripts must be copied to the catalog /bitrix/admin/ in order to access such administrative scripts.
- All images used by the module must be copied in the catalog /bitrix/images/module ID/.
Module Deletion
The module is uninstalled by clicking the button Remove. In this case, the method of the DoUninstall class will be called with a name coinciding with the module ID. This class must be described in the file /bitrix/modules/module ID/install/index.php.
During the module uninstallation, the following steps must be performed without fail:
- Deregister the module using the function UnRegisterModule
- If the module has administrative scripts then access scripts must be deleted from the catalog /bitrix/admin/.
- All images used by the module must be deleted from the catalog /bitrix/images/module ID/.