Views: 10467
Last Modified: 18.09.2014

Infoblock copy is not provided for in Bitrix Framework as a standard option, although sometimes it may become necessary, and it can be done. Automation of this process will be a good example of using infoblock API.

The Use of XML Import

Infoblocks can be copied using the XML import/export function:

  • Download the necessary infoblock by exporting in XML.
  • Open the XML file for editing and carefully adjust the infoblock ID where necessary. In the beginning of the XML, the ID node may be replaced with the Title node:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CommerceInformation SchemaVersion="2.021" CreationDate="2010-03-20T09:55:13">
                <Title>Symbol code
    Find the following code after the description of the infoblock and its properties:
    Establish data in accordance with the amendments made above in the nodes ID, MetadataId, and Title.

Copy Automation

Use the script provided below to import metadata from the information block created earlier when generating a new one:

Metadata copy setting is made using three fields:

  • Copy IB. This field is mandatory and is always preset. The IB from which metadata are to be imported shall be indicated in this section (except for property description).
  • Copy properties of an IB to a new IB. This field is not mandatory. It may be used to import only metadata of the properties of any infoblock to a new information block. If the field is not completed, property metadata will be taken from the infoblock indicated in the field Copy IB.
  • Copy of IB to type. This field is not mandatory. It may be completed if a new information block must be generated in any type of IB. If no setting is indicated, the type of infoblock indicated in the field Copy IB will be used.

    After copy, the new infoblock will have the name of the old infoblock with the suffix _new.

Script code:

        $bError = false;
        $IBLOCK_ID = intval($_REQUEST["IBLOCK_ID_FIELDS"]);
        $ib = new CIBlock;
        $arFields = CIBlock::GetArrayByID($IBLOCK_ID);
        $arFields["GROUP_ID"] = CIBlock::GetGroupPermissions($IBLOCK_ID);
        $arFields["NAME"] = $arFields["NAME"]."_new";
        $ID = $ib->Add($arFields);
                $bError = true;        

 $iblock_prop_new = $ID;
        $ibp = new CIBlockProperty;
        $properties = CIBlockProperty::GetList(Array("sort"=>"asc", "name"=>"asc"), Array("ACTIVE"=>"Y", "IBLOCK_ID"=>$iblock_prop));
        while ($prop_fields = $properties->GetNext()){
            if($prop_fields["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "L"){
                $property_enums = CIBlockPropertyEnum::GetList(Array("DEF"=>"DESC", "SORT"=>"ASC"),
                                                               Array("IBLOCK_ID"=>$iblock_prop, "CODE"=>$prop_fields["CODE"]));
                while($enum_fields = $property_enums->GetNext()){
                    $prop_fields["VALUES"][] = Array(
                      "VALUE" => $enum_fields["VALUE"],
                      "DEF" => $enum_fields["DEF"],
                      "SORT" => $enum_fields["SORT"]
            foreach($prop_fields as $k=>$v){
                if($k{0}=='~') unset($prop_fields[$k]);
            $PropID = $ibp->Add($prop_fields);
                $bError = true;
        if(!$bError && $IBLOCK_ID>0)
   $str .='<form action='.$APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam().' method="post">[table]';    
    if($_REQUEST["success"]=="Y") $str .='[tr][td]<font color="green">IB is copied successfully</font>[b][/td][/tr]';
    elseif($_REQUEST["error"]=="Y") $str .='[tr][td]<font color="red">Error</font><br/>[/td][/tr]';
    $str .='[tr][td]Copy of IB metadata to a new IB:[/b]<br/>[/td][/tr]';
    $res = CIBlock::GetList(Array(),Array(),true);
        while($ar_res = $res->Fetch())
    $str .='[tr][td]Copy IB:<br><select name="IBLOCK_ID_FIELDS">';
    foreach($arRes as $vRes)    
        $str .= '<option value='.$vRes['ID'].'>'.$vRes['NAME'].' ['.$vRes["ID"].']</option>';
    $str .='</select>[/td]';
    $str .='[td]Copy to new IB properties of another IB: *<br><select name="IBLOCK_ID_PROPS">';
    $str .='<option value="empty">';
    foreach($arRes as $vRes)    
        $str .= '<option value='.$vRes['ID'].'>'.$vRes['NAME'].' ['.$vRes["ID"].']</option>';
    $str .='</select>[/td][/tr]';
    $str .='[tr][td]Copy IB to type:<br><select name="IBLOCK_TYPE_ID">';
    $str .='<option value="empty">';
    $db_iblock_type = CIBlockType::GetList();
    while($ar_iblock_type = $db_iblock_type->Fetch()){
       if($arIBType = CIBlockType::GetByIDLang($ar_iblock_type["ID"], LANG))
          $str .= '<option value='.$ar_iblock_type["ID"].'>'.htmlspecialcharsex($arIBType["NAME"])."</option>";
    $str .='</select>[/td][/tr]';
    $str .='[tr][td]<br/>if the value is not specified, IB metadata of the "Properties" section will be collected from the IB of the 1st field[/td][/tr]';
    $str .='[tr][td]<input type="submit" value="copy">[/td][/tr]';
    $str .='[/table]</form>';    
    echo $str;

The script can prove to be of invaluable help, for example, when copying IB without using XML export/import mechanisms of information blocks.

This tool is recommended for infoblocks where there are many list-based properties or generally a big number of properties that require a detailed setup.

The script must be located in the website root.

Courses developed by Bitrix24