Views: 9252
Last Modified: 30.05.2014
Setup of Error Messages
It is often necessary to setup error messages to have an error message clearly shown in the site design.
In order to set up the design of a database connection error message, the file /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn_error.php should be edited.
In order to set up the design of a database query error message, the file /bitrix/php_interface/dbquery_error.php should be edited.
Setup of a File to be Connected when Closing the Site
In order to set up the design of a file to be connected when closing the public part of the site the file /bitrix/modules/main/include/site_closed.php should be copied and placed into /bitrix/php_interface/<language>/ or into /bitrix/php_interface/include/.
Setup of a Page by Page Navigation Design
A page by page information display is organized using the PHP function of
, a function for displaying links for a page by page navigation. The following parameters may be used to manage a page by page navigation design:
NavPrint($title, $show_allways=false, $StyleText="text", $template_path)
– is the name of displayed elements;
– if the value of the parameter is
false, the function will not display navigation links should all entries fit on one page. If true, the links for a page by page navigation will always be displayed;
– CSS class of a font to display navigation links;
– a path to the template for showing navigation links.