Views: 9574
Last Modified: 10.10.2024

One of the methods that can be applied to control the banner shows and to target the advertising precisely is using keywords. The distinctive advantage of this method is that it allows to drive the advertising campaign aimed to reach the well-defined target group among your visitors.

Using keywords, it is possible to:

  • Organize the display of advertising aimed at a specific group of site users. I.e. display advertising on the pages visited primarily by these users or pages that the subject matter may be of interest for this group of users.
  • Restrict the advertising shown on a site page, for example, to the extent the advertising content is connected to the information shown on the page.

Control Mechanism

Advertising on the site pages is controlled using desired and mandatory keywords of the site page and a set of keywords of the advertising banner. Two types of special keywords are used to manage the advertising shown on pages:

  • banner keywords;
  • page keywords:
    • desired: if a site page is assigned the desired keywords, all the banners that have at least one matching keyword in their keyword sets can be shown on that page.

      If no banners with the matching keywords can be found, then the page will show banners that are not assigned any keywords. In this situation, the system uses own standard algorithm to select banners to be displayed.

    • required: if a site page is assigned the required keywords, all the banners that have all keywords in their keyword sets can be shown on that page.

      If no such banners can be found, then the page will show banners that are not assigned any keywords. In this situation, the system uses own standard algorithm to select banners to be displayed.

If the system fails to find banners satisfying any of the keywords, the page will show banners for which no keywords are set. These banners are selected and displayed based on a standard system algorithm (permitted/forbidden pages of contracts and banners, user groups, banner types, etc.).

The general procedure for banner display on specific pages is as follows:

  • Determine the advertising available for display on specific site pages.
  • According to the tasks at hand, sets of specific keywords are determined for site pages.
  • A required set of keywords is set in the settings of advertising banners.

Banner keywords are set in the Keywords field on the page of banner creation/editing, Targeting bookmark (Control Panel > Services > Advertising > Banners).

Desired keywords of the page are managed using a special property adv_desired_target_keywords. Desired keywords of the page may be set using the function of SetDesiredKeywords.

Please note! By default, if page code does not provide for any keywords for advertising, the function of SetDesiredKeywords is deemed using properties of the page adv_desired_target_keywords as a value parameter. If it is not set, the value of the keywords property is used as a function parameter.

The SetDesiredKeywords method is called automatically at the time of page assembly; it must not be additionally called in the file header.php if there is no need to redefine the keywords for the advertising shown.

The required keywords of the page are set using a preset function of SetDesiredKeywords of the system.

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