Custom property types
System have the following property types: String , Integer , Yes/No , Enumeration , File , Date and Location . However, you can add your own custom property types and individually determine their external appearance. This way, a value (that you have programmed) will be requested from the buyer during order checkout. To do that, you need to execute the following actions:
Inherit custom type class:
class MyType extends \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Input\Base
protected static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value){...}
protected static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value){...}
static function getSettings(array $input, $reload){...}
Connect property type to the system: type is connected on the event registerInputTypes :
Register your own custom property type in the event handler using the method Manager::register , containing your handler class and name of your type:
public function myFunction(\Bitrix\Main\Event $event)
'CLASS' => '\MyNamespace\MyType',
'NAME' => 'My type',
Describe JS class
Sometimes when developing a component, its template must be outfitted with JS functionality, events and other features.Learn more...
operate and
Before writing JS code, there is an issue: where to store it?Learn more...
the property:
BX.Sale.Input.Manager.MyType = MyType;
BX.Sale.Input.Utils.extend(MyType, BX.Sale.Input.BaseInput);
BX.Sale.Input.Manager.register('myType', MyType);
function MyType(name, settings, value, publicO)
{, name, settings, value, publicO);
MyType.prototype.createEditorSingle = function (name, value)
MyType.prototype.afterEditorSingleInsert = function (item)
MyType.prototype.setValueSingle = function (item, value)
MyType.prototype.getValueSingle = function (item)
MyType.prototype.setDisabledSingle = function (item, disabled)
MyType.prototype.addEventSingle = function (item, name, action)
Important! myType type name must be unique within the complete system.
Now, an online store manager will be able to create a new order property with property type you created available among standard types.
Attention! You have to individually enable support for newly created custom property in the order checkout component sale.order.ajax .
Example of created String property type
Inherit the class, connect property type to the system and register it:
class StringInput extends \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Input\Base
public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value)
if ($input['MULTILINE'] == 'Y')
$attributes = static::extractAttributes($input,
array('DISABLED'=>'', 'READONLY'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>''),
array('FORM'=>1, 'MAXLENGTH'=>1, 'PLACEHOLDER'=>1, 'DIRNAME'=>1, 'ROWS'=>1, 'COLS'=>1, 'WRAP'=>1));
return '<textarea name="'.$name.'"'.$attributes.'>'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'</textarea>';
$attributes = static::extractAttributes($input,
array('DISABLED'=>'', 'READONLY'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>'', 'AUTOCOMPLETE'=>'on'),
array('FORM'=>1, 'MAXLENGTH'=>1, 'PLACEHOLDER'=>1, 'DIRNAME'=>1, 'SIZE'=>1, 'LIST'=>1, 'PATTERN'=>1));
return '<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'.$attributes.'>';
* @param $name
* @param array $input
* @param $value
* @return string
public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value)
return static::getEditHtmlSingle($name, $input, $value);
public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value)
$errors = array();
$value = trim($value);
if ($input['MINLENGTH'] && strlen($value) < $input['MINLENGTH'])
$errors['MINLENGTH'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MINLENGTH_ERROR', array("#NUM#" => $input['MINLENGTH']));
if ($input['MAXLENGTH'] && strlen($value) > $input['MAXLENGTH'])
$errors['MAXLENGTH'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MAXLENGTH_ERROR', array("#NUM#" => $input['MAXLENGTH']));
if ($input['PATTERN'] && !preg_match($input['PATTERN'], $value))
$errors['PATTERN'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_PATTERN_ERROR');
return $errors;
static function getSettings(array $input, $reload)
$settings = array(
'MINLENGTH' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MINLENGTH'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1),
'MAXLENGTH' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MAXLENGTH'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1),
'PATTERN' => array('TYPE' => 'STRING', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_PATTERN' )),
'MULTILINE' => array('TYPE' => 'Y/N' , 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MULTILINE'), 'ONCLICK' => $reload),
if ($input['MULTILINE'] == 'Y')
$settings['COLS'] = array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_SIZE'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1);
$settings['ROWS'] = array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_ROWS'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1);
$settings['SIZE'] = array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_SIZE'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1);
return $settings;
\Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Input\Manager::register('STRING', array(
'CLASS' => '\StringInput',
'NAME' => \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING'),
Describe and connect JS class:
BX.Sale.Input.Manager.StringInput = StringInput;
BX.Sale.Input.Utils.extend(StringInput, BX.Sale.Input.BaseInput);
BX.Sale.Input.Manager.register('STRING', StringInput);
function StringInput(name, settings, value, publicO)
{, name, settings, value, publicO);
StringInput.prototype.createEditorSingle = function (name, value)
var s, size = 5, settings = this.settings;
if ((s = settings.MIN) && s.toString().length > size)
size = s;
if ((s = settings.MAX) && s.toString().length > size)
size = s;
if ((s = settings.STEP) && s.toString().length > size)
size = s;
var element = document.createElement('input');
element.type = 'text'; = name;
element.value = value;
element.size = size;
BX.Sale.Input.Utils.applyBooleanAttributesTo(element, settings, BX.Sale.Input.Utils.globalBooleanAttributes, {DISABLED:'', READONLY:'', AUTOFOCUS:'', REQUIRED:'', AUTOCOMPLETE:'on'});
BX.Sale.Input.Utils.applyValueAttributesTo(element, settings, BX.Sale.Input.Utils.globalValueAttributes, {FORM:1, LIST:1, PLACEHOLDER:1});
this.applyEventAttributesTo(element, settings, BX.Sale.Input.Utils.globalEventAttributes);
return [element];
StringInput.prototype.afterEditorSingleInsert = function (item)
StringInput.prototype.setValueSingle = function (item, value)
item[0].value = value;
StringInput.prototype.getValueSingle = function (item)
var element = item[0];
return element.disabled ? null : element.value;
StringInput.prototype.setDisabledSingle = function (item, disabled)
item[0].disabled = disabled;
StringInput.prototype.addEventSingle = function (item, name, action)
BX.Sale.Input.Utils.addEventTo(item[0], name, action);