<ul> <li>If you need to get access to original Vue 3 methods (for example, to <i>createApp</i>), you can do that using standard import: <p><pre class="syntax mh-100"> import {createApp} from "ui.vue3"; createApp({ data() { return { counter: 0 } }, mounted() { setInterval(() => { this.counter++ }, 1000) }, // language=Vue template: ` Counter: {{ counter }} ` }).mount('#application'); </pre></p></li> <li>When you need to connect Bitrix Framework integration plugin (<code>$Bitrix</code>): it can be done using <i>.use(BitrixVue)</i>: <p><pre class="syntax mh-100"> import {createApp, BitrixVue} from "ui.vue3"; const application = createApp({ // language=Vue template: ` Current UserID: {{ $Bitrix.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID') }} ` }) application.use(BitrixVue); application.mount('#application'); </pre></p> </li> <li> Use the namespace <code>BX.Vue3</code> for working within inline scripts at the standard page and in scripts without transpiling: <p><pre class="syntax mh-100"> const application = BX.Vue3.createApp({ // language=Vue template: ` Current UserID: {{ $Bitrix.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID') }} ` }) application.use(BX.Vue3.BitrixVue); application.mount('#application'); </pre></p></li> </ul> <br/><br/>