Views: 3533
Last Modified: 30.03.2022
When not all object fields are completed with data and you need to fill in the missing data, do not use the following approach:
// initially only ID and NAME are available
$author = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\EO_Author::wakeUp(
['ID' => 17, 'NAME' => 'Name 17']
// we need to write LAST_NAME, retrieving it from database
$row = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\AuthorTable::getByPrimary($author->getId(),
['select' => ['LAST_NAME']]
// adding value to the object
In this case, the value will be deemed as a newly set, but not an actual value (which, theoretically can lead to unforeseen collisions in further object handling).
The correct way to use the name method for object fill:
// initially only ID and NAME are available
$author = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\EO_Author::wakeUp(
['ID' => 17, 'NAME' => 'Name 17']
// add LAST_NAME from the database
In addition to name methods, a generic method is available as well. It provides a significantly more options then other generic methods:
$author = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\EO_Author::wakeUp(17);
// filling several fields
$author->fill(['NAME', 'LAST_NAME']);
// filling all presently unfilled fields
// filling fields by mask, for example, all unfilled scalar fields
// unfilled scalar and user fields
| \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\FieldTypeMask::USERTYPE
* Masks are available as follows:
* SCALAR - scalar fields (ORM\ScalarField)
* EXPRESSION - expressions (ORM\ExpressionField)
* USERTYPE - user fields
* REFERENCE - relations 1:1 and N:1 (ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference)
* ONE_TO_MANY - relations 1:N (ORM\Fields\Relations\OneToMany)
* MANY_TO_MANY - relations N:M (ORM\Fields\Relations\ManyToMany)
* FLAT - scalar fields and expressions
* RELATION - all relations
* ALL - absolutely all available fields
If you need to additionally fill in several objects, it's strongly not recommended to perform this command in a loop: this will result to a significant number of queries to the database. Handling several objects of the same type requires a similar Collection method.