Views: 5446
Last Modified: 17.10.2024

Command interface is implemented based on the library symfony/console. Before using it, ensure that your have installed dependencies via composer.

Executed file is located in the folder bitrix:

$ cd bitrix
$ php bitrix.php

For convenience, create a symbolic link without php postfix:

$ chmod +x bitrix.php
$ ln -s bitrix.php bitrix
$ ./bitrix

List of commands available "out of the box":

  • translate:index
  • make:controller — create controller class
  • make:tablet — create ORM DAO (data-oriented object or a 'tablet')
  • Starting from main 24.0.0 an option is now available to add your own commands via module's {moduleName}/.settings.php file. Module commands are listed in the section console:

    return [
    	'console' => [
    		'value' => [
    			'commands' => [
    		'readonly' => true,

    Note: It's recommended to use module title as prefix, such as module:command.

    Additional information:

    Courses developed by Bitrix24