Views: 13208
Last Modified: 22.09.2014
Business process is a process of document processing for which one entry point, several exit points, and a sequence of activities (steps, stages, or functions) to be performed in a certain order and subject to certain conditions are set.
Business Processes Module:
- Is intended for organizing both sequential processing of infoblock elements as a separate sequential process, and creating status profiles of complex processes with an indefinite period of activity.
- Is a tool used by other parts of the product (modules, components, etc.) to provide users with a possibility to determine, perform, and manage business processes (workflows). It permits visually programming of arbitrary functionality and also run and manage such programs. Here, “arbitrary” means a possibility to create user-defined activities in order to expand standard functionality.
- Provides for a versatile business process programming mechanism which can be used by non-programmers. Such versatile mechanism is implemented using a visual drag&drop programming mechanism which is familiar to any computer user. The template of business processes is created in a special visual design view.
Important! To ensure correct operation of the module the system must meet the
minimum system requirements. Before installing it, please make sure your installation meets this requirement.
Each instance of a business process (hereinafter referred to as the “BP”), is a program. BP input parameters are the parameters used to launch the program. BP variables are the program’s variables.
Accordingly, the lifetime of BP parameters and variables is limited by the lifetime of the BP itself. In order to make sure BP variables, parameters, or any other values are available after BP termination and/or outside BP, you have to save them somewhere in ROM. The most convenient way to save them is to a BP document.
A BP instance may operate simultaneously only in one copy. An attempt to run a second copy before termination of operation of the first (e.g., process launch on behalf of two different users) will cause an error: The business process is blocked by another process. As a rule, it may be caused by an error and the incorrect termination of the other BP.
Each BP instance works on a document. The documents may be physically represented by different entities and determine different operation functionality. E.g., a BP component which example is located in the Services Bitrix24 menu eventually uses infoblock elements as a document.
Using activities, BP makes it possible to manipulate the document it works on. E.g., change the document or publish it.
Attention! The implementation of business processes requires that specialists have specific skills. These specialists must understand substantive essence of business processes in the company and be able to express this essence through logical circuits.
Before proceeding with the automatization of a business process it is recommended that a diagram of the business process be drawn first and a clear idea be formed as to how to implement such diagram.