<p><table width="100%" cellpadding="5"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align:center;"><i style="font-size: 25px;" class="fa fa-download fa-border" aria-hidden="true"></i></td> <td style="vertical-align:center; width: 100%; padding-left: 5px"><h4 style="margin:0"></h4><p> You have an option to install additional user interface languages.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></p> <img src="/images/install_en/lang_files_sm.png" width="500"/> <ul> <li>Click the <b>Updates</b> tab;</li> <li>Select the required languages in the optional updates group;</li> <li>Click <b>Install Updates</b>.</li> </ul> <!-- <p>If any language file updates are available, the update system main page will display a link to review and download them.</p> <p>Please note that, if your connection speed is low, or if the update server load is high, updating the language files may take some time.</p> <p>The language file update stipulates the following steps to be taken.</p> <h4>Step 1. Choosing the desired action</h4> <p>The update system main page is the door to the first step of the update process. If the update server can offer new versions of language files, you will see the corresponding link (<b>Review and download language files</b>).</p> <p><img src="/images/install_en/lang_files.png" width="500" border="0" /></p> <h4>Step 2. <b>Review and download language files</b></h4> <p>This step displays a list of available language file sets that has been renewed since the last installation and can be downloaded from the update server. Languages currently existing in your system are highlighted.<p> <p><img src="/images/install_en/lang_list.png" width="457" height="303" border="0" /></p> <p>After you select the desired language file sets and click <b>Download</b>, they will be downloaded and installed. Downloading updates may take some time.</p> <h4>Step 3. Installation report</h4> <p>This step displays information about the update installation procedure and errors, if any occurred.</p> <div class="important"><b>Important!</b> <b>Never </b>refresh this page or click Back in your browser! </div> <p>You can view the update system log later, in the installation log file.</p> <h3>Manual Update</h3> <p>If required, you can update your system manually, confirming each action to be performed. This mode is essential if the update procedure fails due to lack of system resources or if the Internet connection is slow.</p> <ul> <li>Click <b>Stepwise updates</b> button on the context toolbar.</li> <li>After the manual update form has loaded, open <b>Updates</b> tab. <br/><br/><img src="/images/install_en/lang_step.png" width="427" height="311" border="0" /></li> <li>Select the required language files and click <b>Install updates</b>.</li> <li>Now just watch the updates downloading and installing in the progress bar. When the update process completes, the system will display a report showing the update sequence messages.</li></ul>-->