Views: 15369
Last Modified: 08.07.2020
The update system serves to interact between and transfer data from the update server to a client (installed product copy). The main types of interaction are:
- updating the product modules to the newest versions, which allows to obtain new functionality and fix possible bugs;
- downloading new modules that may be available according to the license terms;
- downloading language files (files with language-dependent messages translated into other languages);
- downloading the help system in different languages;
- product registration using the license key;
- downloading the Bitrix Self-hosted or Bitrix24 source code files;
- obtaining more sites by entering a coupon code.
The following terms are used with the update system.
System core - the /bitrix/modules/ folder (all paths are specified relative to the root folder unless otherwise is explicitly stated). The notion of system core often implies the database structure.
Service area - all subfolders of the /bitrix/ folder except /bitrix/modules/ (i.e. the system core) and /bitrix/updates/. The notion of service area often implies the contents of the auxiliary database tables (for example, b_event_type).
Update system folder - the /bitrix/updates/ directory. This folder is for exclusive use by the update system and cannot be used otherwise.
Public section - all folders related to a given product copy save the system core, service area and the update system folder. The notion of service area often includes the database contents except for the data of the auxiliary tables.
Product registration - results in removing the trial version restrictions from a given product installation (e.g. time restriction).
License key - a special key (a chain of symbols) which is the statement of the right to use the given product copy.
Site coupon - a special key allowing to create one more site using the given product copy.
Update server - a server that is used to send bits of update data to the update system. The update server address can be explicitly specified on the module settings page (must be
Important notes on the update system |
The update system does not alter the public section in any way. The service area may be changed in case of absolute necessity; but even so, existing files and records remain since they might have been changed by a user. The system core can be modified extremely, but the backward compatibility is guaranteed.
Important! If you have changed even one file of the system
core or the database structure manually, the automatic update may cause unpredictable results.
The update system does not collect or send any confidential data regarding the installed product
copy. The update system and the update server exchange only the technical data which is required by
the update system to function correctly (e.g. current module versions or last update dates).
The modification that the update system performs on the system core is technically complex and intricate.
If it fails or completes with errors, the dependent sites may become inoperative. Before update, you
are recommended to ensure that a back-up copies of the database, scripts of the system core and the
service area are created. It is desirable to perform update when the server load is minimum. If you
encounter update problems, you need to contact the Bitrix technical support service immediately.
The update system main page |
You can open the update system page by selecting Marketplace in the top left menu, and then choosing Platform Update.
If you see a message showing that your license key is invalid (or the license is not found), the
following reasons are possible:
- if you already have a license key, enter it in the appropriate field on the update system main
page (or on the Kernel module settings page: click Settings on the top toolbar and
select Kernel in the drop-down list);
- if you do not have a license key, you can send a request for a trial key. To do so, click the
corresponding link on the update system main page. Enter the obtained key in the appropriate
field on the update system main page, or on the Kernel module settings page.
If the update system main page displays a message reading that a license key is not activated,
you have to fill in all the fields of the activation form. After you complete and send the form, the
license key will become activated.
The update system main page may tell that a new version of the update system is available, you
must install it first. You will not be able to proceed with other updates until you install a new
version of the update system.
If you have already provided a valid license key, and the update system is up-to-date, the update
system main page will offer the following actions which are available according to your license
- Recommended updates - this action is available if the update server can offer
new versions of modules stipulated by terms of your license.
- Optional updates - available if the update server can offer new
versions of files containing language-dependent messages.
- Register your copy - displayed if your copy is not registered but the current license
permits registration. You must register your product copy immediately after you have received
the license key, since it will be difficult to restore the site up-state after the trial period
expiration. The product registration is a single step operation - all you have to do is click
the link.
- Download source code - available if the source codes of your product copy are enciphered
but the current license permits obtaining full open source codes. Before you attempt to download
them, you must ensure that all modules are updated to the latest version (i.e. no module updates
should be available). Source code download is a one-click operation. Please note that download
may take some time if your connection is slow, or the update server load is high.
- Add extra sites - this action is always available. If you have a coupon for extra
sites, you can apply it any time.
- History of updates - displays the installation journal containing information about
20 recently installed updates including status and error messages.