Views: 4903
Last Modified: 12.09.2024

Things to consider

To migrate a website from a remote hosting, cloud service or a local server to BitrixVA or BitrixEnv virtual environment, you will need two things: a site archive and a properly configured BitrixVA or BitrixEnv instance.

Let's assume you have already created the site archive it's now resting comfortably in its mancave on the Backups page (Settings > Tools > View Existing backups).

Select the Get backup link item in the action menu. This link is only available for locally stored backups. Copy the link to the Clipboard:

As an alternative, you can download the archive to your computer (select Download in the action menu).

Site installation in BitrixVA/BitrixEnv

  1. Start up the BitrixVA or BitrixEnv.
  2. Enter http://virtual_machine_address/ in the browser address line (you may indicate a domain or IP address).
  3. Birtix product Installation Wizard will open. Choose the of Restore from the backup option:

  4. When the backup download is in progress, select the required archive storage option (in this case, select the clipboard link, received at the site backup copies page):

    Note: It is also possible to download the archive from Bitrix Cloud (a license key with a valid license is needed) or from a local computer, is these options were selected at the site archive creation stage.

  5. If the archive was encrypted, password prompting appears following the archive download.
  6. After that, a database connection must be set up:

    By default, MySQL connection settings in BitrixVA/BitrixEnv are taken from /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php.

    Individual MySQL connection parameters can be indicated - in this case, also select the Create database.

  7. After the database is successfully restored, it is necessary to Delete archive and temporary scripts for security purposes, by clicking on the button with the same name:

  8. The Bitrix product migration to the BitrixVA/BitrixEnv is now completed:

Error "Call to undefined function mysqli_init()"

Error "Call to undefined function mysqli_init()" can occur during the transition to a new version of BitrixVA/BitrixEnv platform. Reason: previously, .mysql extension was used in MySQL database (declared obsolete in PHP 5.5.0). Mysqli. extension is used in new versions.


  1. Add in the file \bitrix\php_interface\dbconn.php the following:
    define("BX_USE_MYSQLI", true); 
  2. In the file \bitrix\.settings.php:
    'className' => '\\Bitrix\\Main\\DB\\MysqlConnection',
    to change to:
    'className' => '\\Bitrix\\Main\\DB\\MysqliConnection',
  3. Check the availability in the /etc/php.d/30-mysqli.ini file (or in a similar file):
  4. Execute a restart of httpd:

    • CentOS 6:
      service httpd restart
    • CentOS 7:
      systemctl restart httpd.service

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