Views: 11679
Last Modified: 03.02.2025

Note: When the product is installed using BitrixVA, this step is skipped.

Installation step 4

(creating MySQL database)

Config file for connection with database is created and data is uploaded to the database.

Local installation

When installing to local computer with already pre-installed application for correct operation (Apache, PHP, MySQL) fill out the fields as follows:

  • Server: server used for database management system (DBMS), in this case, MySQL. Local computer parameter contains localhost с with port used for MySQL in the format localhost:[port_number]. Port number can be found in MySQL configuration files.
  • Database user: select create new user;
  • User name: enter arbitrary DBMS user (login) for database access.
  • Password: user password for database access.
  • Database: create new database.
  • Database name: created database name. Any name in Latin characters; numerals and underscore are permitted.
  • Database table type: standard type is suitable in majority of cases. Two options are available:
    • Standard. Standard MySQL table type is MyISAM which is not transaction-oriented. For MylSAM table type, all data are saved in a single file, consequently maximum file size is simultaneously is the maximum table size.

      Operation systems have their out limits on maximum file size. Usually, it is from 2 to 4 GB. MylSAM tables are platform-independent. Table files can be moved between computers with various architectures and different operation systems without any conversion.

    • Innodb. InnoDB table in MySQL have table handler enabling safe transactions with possible transaction commitment, rollback and crash recovery.

      InnoDB tables can block at the string level, as well use read method without blocking at SELECT command. Transaction log is maintained in case of transaction rollback. It's susceptible to internal overwrite, i .e when new records are created, old records are deleted from them. These listed features allows improving interoperability and increase performance in multi-user mode.

      InnoDB are intended for getting maximum performance when processing large data volumes. This type hugely exceeds other models of relational database systems in processor performance.

  • Next, select Create new database. Additional group appears: Database administrator password and login .
    • Enter root in Login field.
    • Leave Password field empty.

Database setup is similar for PostgreSQL, with two differences:

  • no requirement to specify table type,
  • to create new database or a user, database administrator login and password are required: you may request them from your hosting provider.

Remote server

When specifying database parameters on remote server, request technical support and complete the following fields:

  • Server: indicate server used by database management system (DBMS).
  • Database user: this defines it new database user is created during installation or existing user data is used.
  • User name: DBMS user name (login) for database access.
  • Password: user password for database access.
  • Database: defines if new database is created during installation of existing database is used.
  • Database name: database name used to install the product.
  • Database table type:selection between different database table types.

Attention! Standard table type will be suitable in most in cases. For site with increased load requirements such as online stores, for example, InnoDB type is preferable for MySQL databases.

Attention! When during installation process new user or new database must be created, a database administrator Login and Password are required. In case no database was created previously, you must select new in the Database field. Usually, database is created on server by the hosting server itself. You need only retrieve name and parameters for accessing it.

Additional parameters

These parameters defines access permissions to site files (for all database types).

Complete the fields:

  • Access permissions to site files: access permissions for created files. Access permissions must be sufficient for web server access to write. Default value 0644;
  • Access permissions to site folders: access permissions for created catalogs. Access permissions must be sufficient for web server access to write. Default value 0755.

Note: Manual database connection parameter setup (including maximum memory size for executing the script) can be executed in file /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php and /bitrix/.settings.php. Files will be created after installation is complete.

Click Next to continue installation.

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