Views: 11185
Last Modified: 10.10.2012

Simple (single page) components create an area on a page surface. They come at hand when you need to render data from different modules on a single page (for example: blogs and information blocks) or data from different information blocks (news and commercial catalog). Evidently, simple components are not convenient to create a whole news section or a catalog because this requires the creation of a considerable number of pages and controlling their linkage.

Let us consider an example of creating a news section using simple components. Create, for example, a news index page index.php and add the News list (bitrix:news.list) component. This component displays a news title, preview text and other media depending on the component settings. Each element in the news list is a link to an individual news details page (for example: detail.php). Add the News detail (bitrix:news.detail) component to the details page:

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The News list component's input parameters should be configured in such a way that it could build links to the news details page (with the news ID). For this, specify a path to this page and the name of a parameter that will be used to pass the news ID:

In this case, the detail.php page and the news index page should be in the same folder.

In the News detail component, configure the parameters so that it could build a link to the news index page:

Additionally, specify the PHP code that will evaluate to the news ID:

Now, if the parameters of the components are configured properly, we should have the following result in the public section:

Click on image to enlarge Click on image to enlarge

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