Views: 11182
Last Modified: 11.11.2014

The menu Actions of the server applies only to the current server which forms part of the pool:

  • Remove server from pool – permits removing this server from the pool.

    Note: menu item is available only for additional servers included in the pool.

  • Restart – permits restarting this server.
  • Update Bitrix Environment – starts the update of the server’s software.

    Attention! Updating Bitrix VA is a complex operation during which system files of the operating system of the server are updated. Full back-up is recommended before starting the update.

  • Change root user password – permits changing password for the root user. To do so, type the current and new passwords:

    Attention! The password for the root superuser shall be changed with extreme care!

  • Change bitrix user password – permits changing the password of a bitrix user. The procedure is the same as for root, just type the current and new passwords.

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