Views: 1985
Last Modified: 16.06.2023

  Highload block settings

Highload block settings is performed in the admin menu as follows:

  • create a Highload block and define a table to store its data;
  • configure Highload block fields that are custom kernel properties;
  • add a specific number of records to the Highload block.

Let's overview the High load block handling procedure with an example that creates a baking cake recipe.

  Creating Highload block

Go to the page Content > Highload information blocks and click Add Highload block button. It opens a form:

Complete the fields at the Highload block tab:

  • Use Entity name field to set a Highload block name. This name must start with capital letter and contain Latin letters and numerals only.
  • Indicate table name in the Database table name field to store new Highload block. The table name must contain only lowercase letters, numerals and underscore.
  • Indicate convenient language dependent Highload block names.

Configure the users and user groups access to the Highload block at the Access permissions tab. You can select the necessary groups and users via Add:

Note: the Access permission tab is available from Highload blocks module version 17.0.0 and newer.

Save the new Highload block.

  Creating entity fields

For adding fields to a Highload block, go to the page listing its fields as follows:

  • from the page with the list of Highload blocks, select the item Fields ;
  • inside the edit form, click Entity fields .

In any case, opens the Custom fields with the specified filter for the object HLBLOCK_<block_ID>, where <block_ID> - is Highload block ID to add the fields. Field type is selected from drop-down list .

Using the Add button, create the necessary fields for Highload block.

Add the following fields as an example: the String Cake name (UF_NAME), Photo (UF_PHOTO), the list Time (UF_TIME) and the file Recipe (UF_RECIPE):

  Creating entity records

To add a record to a Highload block, go to the page with block record list (Content > Highload blocks> [Highload_block_title], in our example it's Cake recipes) and click the Add button. It opens the form with set of created Highload block fields:

Complete the fields and save the record. In a similar manner, add the necessary set of records.

Note: you can also enter the list of Highload block records from its edit form (using the link with the number of records) or from the page with the list of Highload blocks (using the Fields item in the drop-down action menu).


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