Views: 3523
Last Modified: 31.08.2022

The Cloud storages module allows moving various modules file storage into cloud-based storages. For example, you can configure settings for images uploaded by site visitors into blog will be automatically saved in "cloud".

Creating and viewing connections

List of all connections to cloud-based storages is located at the Cloud storages page (Settings > Cloud storages). The table will show, if the connection is active, how many files are located in it, the file size, etc.

You can also create a new connection here, by clicking at button . The Connection tab details the main parameters:

  1. Inside the Provider select a service provider for cloud data storage.

    List of providers, available for connection

    Depending on your choice, the following fields inside the form will be different:

    • The Region field is designed for selecting a desired geographic location of the data center. However, for some providers the Region is set by default and it cannot be edited.
    • The field Always use HTTP can be activate only for providers OpenStack Object Storage and Rackspace Cloud Files
    • For providers Amazon Simple Storage Service and Google Storage have a brief connection manual
    • Access parameters for Access key, Secret key, Project ID, Server name (API host) and etc. are completed with data that you receive at the provider site

    Note: Starting from the Cloud storages (clouds) module version 20.0.100 supports s3-compatible storages (Provider - S3 compatible storage).

  2. The Container field indicates the name for container Container - logic structure for cloud storage that will allow to subsequently identify it. By default, the field already contain a unique name. An individual container is created for each connection.
  3. The option Read only allows read only operations with container. When selected, saves new files not in a container but at the hosting with project.
  4. If needed, you can indicate Domain canonical name (CNAME) that will allow such types of links as to get

    Important! The field Domain canonical name is designed for developers and serves for establishing more effective (CDN - Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network). Learn more... content delivery to customers. Requires additional settings and corresponding knowledge.

You can configure the Rules tab for mapping the files for upload into cloud storage:

  • In the Modules column indicate module names < for the specific module data to be uploaded to "cloud". For example: iblock, advertising. If left empty, rule applies to files of any modules.
  • In the Extensions column, indicate the file extensions to be stored in cloud storage. For example: gif, png, jpeg, jpg. If left empty, rule applies to static files with any extension. List is case insensitive.
  • In the Sizes column indicate file sizes. Acceptable suffixes are: K, M or G. Range sizes can be specified as well. For example: 1K-1M, 2.3M-. If left empty, rule apples to files with any size.

Click Save.

New container appears in the list at the Cloud storages page (Settings > Cloud storages) immediately after connecting. Newly uploaded files will be automatically saved in cloud. Links to files will be also automatically generated with account of their location in cloud.

"Cloud" links view

  1. In case of erroneous connection, an error displayed at the page is issued by the provider itself, i. e. by service for file cloud storage.
  2. If you want to create a Cloud storage only as storage location for backup copies, it's recommended to skip creating the rules and delete the only empty rule, created by default.


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