Views: 2598
Last Modified: 20.07.2022

  Access permissions setup

Inventory management objects contains important information that is unavailable to regular company employees. That's why the issue of assigning and distributing access to such objects is pertinent as well.

You can configure access permissions to inventory management public section using one of two methods:

  Method No.1

  • Go to the Bitrix24 On-premise administrative section page with the user list: Settings > Manage users > User list.
  • Open a necessary user entry for editing and switch to the Groups tab.
  • Checkmark the group Online store staff or Online store administrators:

    Note: Online store staff group users have lower access permissions than Online store administrators group users: store staff can handle all inventory objects, expect for sales orders. The following message is displayed for such users: Insufficient permissions to view inventory object list.

  • Save the config. Repeat the listed actions for other users you need.

Now users with configured access permissions can open public section for inventory management as follows: Sites and stores > Inventory > Inventory management.

  Method No.2

  • Open public page CRM > Settings > CRM settings.
  • Click on Permissions and then on Access permissions.
  • Use the link Add access permission . Select the suitable users or complete groups in the opened window .
  • Assign users (or groups) with the CRM Manager or Administrator roles:

    Note: user with the Manager role (just as the user with Administrator role) can handle all inventory objects and documents, including sales orders.
  • Save the completed settings.

Now users have accessible inventory management section: CRM > Inventory > Inventory management or Sites and stores > Inventory > Inventory management.

Please be advised that method No.1 is more preferrable than method No.2 due to the role having access permissions for other CRM entities as well. This way, by giving access to inventory management objects you also grant access to other CRM entities.


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