Views: 3746
Last Modified: 07.07.2022

Tests for evaluating user knowledge are created based on the course lesson questionnaires. Main difference of final tests: all information on completed tests is strictly registered (number of attempts, number of accumulated points and etc.).

  Self-assessment tests

Self-assessment test (or a self-test) is designed (as evident from its name) to evaluate student's level of acquired knowledge. This is not a final evaluation of knowledge, but an intermediary one, without collecting information about successful test completion by individual users.

Self-assessment test is generated automatically from created questions, if they have checkmarked the Self-testing field.

Important! Self-assessment test will be deleted when no question remains with the Self testing checkmark.

  Final test

Managing final tests for the course is performed at the Tests page (Services > e-Learning > Courses > course_name > Tests):

New test is created using the Add button, located at the context panel. You need to specify test parameters in the opened form. Parameters are grouped by designation:

  1. Adding question to test is performed based on parameters, specified in the field Include in test. Lessons and sublessons can be selected from the list, only if they are active and their parameters doesn't have marked option "Don't publish".
  2. By default, self test questions can be included into a test. To do it, mark the corresponding option.
  3. Test settings allow to determine the sequence for displayed questions and answers.
  4. Time and a number of attempts, provided to user per single attempt and in-between attempts can be restricted as well.
  5. For the test result verification to be performed automatically (i. e. for the log to contain message on failed and successful tests), you need to mark a corresponding option and enter a percentage of questions to be answered correctly for the test to be successful. Percentages are entered in integers.
  6. Test settings are specified in the field Type of passing a test.
  7. Additional test conditions can govern the test group sequence as well as other conditions.


Courses developed by Bitrix24