Views: 3442
Last Modified: 08.07.2022

Results of e-learning can be rated using a corresponding e-Learning page (Services > e-Learning):

  Test attempts

On a learning course conclusion, you can offer users to pass one or several tests to verify the received knowledge. Attempts to pass the tests are registered at the Attempts page (Services > e-Learning > Attempts):

  Grade book

Test result (according to the attempt with best results) is displayed at the Grade book page (Services > e-Learning > Grade book):

If the test isn't graded automatically, the log shows only the number of accumulated points.

With enabled Incorrect Answer Control, the test passing will be interrupted with the first incorrect answer.

Test parameters can also indicate the number of test attempts. The field Attempts allowed adds attempts to specific user in an individual test:

  1. Use filter to find the needed student and a test;
  2. Mark with flag the first column and select Edit. All fields with permitted data editing will become active.
  3. Add a required number of attempts in the Extra attempts field and save changes.
  4.   Certification

    The Certification page (Services > e-Learning > Certification) contains list of e-Learning course participants, who successfully passed all final learning course tests, as well as general statistics for test results:

    Using the certificates you can perform the following actions:

    • activate/deactivate
    • edit data
    • delete

    Note: the standard e-Learning module doesn't have a mechanism for generating digital certificate files, attesting the successfully completed learning course.

      Example of statistics handling

    For example, we want to understand, which material was the most difficult to learn by students.

    This requires some simple actions:

    1. Use the filter to find the results for a required user and test at the Attempts page.
    2. Open results for each completed test in the individual browser tabs. Results are opened by click at the Questions column.
    3. Inside each tab you can sort questions by The test has been completed.
    4. Compare the results and search for trends:

    5. Important! If a course was deactivated, test results and certificates for this course will be unavailable to users. In case a course was deleted, test and certificate results will be deleted as well.


Courses developed by Bitrix24