Views: 3082
Last Modified: 11.07.2022
e-Learning module features |
The e-Learning module allows administrator to execute the following objectives:
- Create and edit dedicated learning courses;
- Create and edit chapters and lessons;
- Associate chapters and lessons (as well as complete courses) to various courses;
- Compile questionnaires for self-assessment tests;
- Create final tests;
- Configure the module;
- Export/import learning courses;
- Manage progress of final tests;
- Create learning groups for individual learning.
Course - organized and logically finished sequence of pages containing information about specific subject area.
Very often, testing is performed at the end of a course to verify students' (users who completed the course) level of knowledge.
Standard course includes the following elements:
- Chapters – thematic (conceptual) course sections and subsections. Each chapters can include an unlimited quantity of child elements (other chapters and lessons), as well as associated to several parents (chapters or courses as well).
- Lessons – informational content of the course. Lesson can be included into one or several chapters or courses (without association to chapters). Each lesson is a standalone page.
- Questions – questions for verifying the studied material, created as individual objects. Created questions can be used for two types of tests:
Information about all attempts to test the users is stored in the Test attempts directory. Directory entries reflect success of test attempts, number of accumulated points and etc.
Data on the user test results are stored in the Learning results log. Result – is an entry with number of points, accumulated by user when passing a test. Result is determined based on results of most successful user test attempts.
If testing results are determined automatically, each result prints a message, signalling that a test has been/hasn't passed.
Courses, created using the e-Learning module, can be exported into an external file for subsequent upload to other projects, operating based on the Bitrix Framework. Export and import operations are performed using special module mechanisms.