Views: 4239
Last Modified: 18.07.2022

  Managing currency list

Managing list of currencies is performed at the Currencies page (Settings > Currency > Currencies ):

Note: List of possible currency codes is provided in the international standard ISO 4217 ISO 4217 - standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), assigning three-letter (alfa-3) and three digits (number-3) currency codes. . Full list can be found at the official website

Only one of currencies is selected as the base currency (select Make base currency in the currency actions menu). Rate for other currencies is calculated relative to the base currency.

Attention! Starting from Currencies module version 22.100.100, CRM feature becomes unavailable if base currency is missing.

  Adding a new currency

When you need additional currencies, not provided in the system, you need to add a new currency.

Click on Add currency at the context panel. It opens new currency form:

Complete fields at the Currency tab:

  • Currency – three-letter (alfa-3) currency code as per international standard ISO 4217;
  • Amount – designated per unit of calculated currency. Usually, equals to 1;
  • Default rate – rate to be used when converting currencies, if the Currency rates Currency rates page (Settings > Currency > Currency rates) manages the currencies. Currency rates can be specified for currencies listed in Currencies. When converting currencies to the current date, the system sources the newest rate. If the rate is not found, default rate is sourced (the rate, configured in currency settings).
    form doesn't contain other values;
  • Numeric code – three-digit (number-3) currency code as per international standard ISO 4217;
  • Sort index – this currency has priority in the general currency list.

Language settings tab configures various system UI languages: English and etc. These settings fields are the same:

Note: additional language currency displays are shown after additional UI language is added into the system.

Complete fields for language variants:

  • Name – full currency name for current language;
  • Format template – completed currency display template. When selected a template from the list, the rest of language fields are completed automatically. You can modify these field values;
  • Currency format – allows customizing currency amount display. Contains text, with amount display replaced with the # character. For example: # USD per 1 unit. (1349 USD per 1 unit.) or ₽ # (₽ 1349);
  • Decimal point and Thousands separator – methods for separating currency display portions;
  • Number of decimal digits – number of digits in fractional part of a number (depends on the number of fractional part digits in the currency unit used). Number of decimal digits in the fractional part affects prices displayed at the website and receipt. All calculations are performed with round-off parameters, indicated in the Rounding precision field in the Online Store module settings;
  • Trim trailing zeros from fractional prices (in the public area): when checkmarked, the price in 1637.00 will be displayed as 1637.


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