Views: 4204
Last Modified: 18.10.2021
Types of mailboxes
Managing email addresses is performed at Mailboxes page (Services > Mail > Mailboxes). Be advised, that Bitrix Framework allows creating an unlimited number of email addresses.
Click the Add button to add new email address and select type for created mailbox - user or system:
- System mailbox is created in the site Control panel and used for service purposes (for example, for tech support tickets).
- User mailboxes can be created by both users in the public interface and site admin via Control Panel.
You can edit an existing item using the menu item actions (Edit item) or by double-clicking on corresponding entry.
System mailbox
Form for creating/editing system mailbox:

Mailbox tab
Below are the details for some fields:
- Type - select mail server type with located mailbox. Selecting Internal SMTP server changes several fields and some previous fields will becme inactive.
Attention! When configuring start parameters upon selecting Internal server it's preferable to complete the Domain Names for This Server. If they are not restricted and server is online, you can easily end up in a spam list (when meantime, nothing is sent).
- Mail server (POP3) / port - indicates mail server name with located mailbox and a port number used for data forwarding.
To get messages automatically, indicate time period (in minutes) inside the account's Check interval field. When this period expires, new messages are checked at the server. If emails are received manually, this fields must be left empty or indicate 0 value.
When creating a new email address, you can immediately create mail rules for this mailbox. Created rules will apply to emails, received to this mailbox (for example, to define SPAM rate, level of importance, deleting mail junk and etc.).
These rules allow sorting messages in social network communications. When sending an email message to a specified email address, it will be automatically posted on the forum. All forum subscribers will receive these messages that can be responded via email client. This process is similar to Google and Yahoo groups mailing lists, when all discussions can be performed via email and history will be stored inside forums (with communication available directly at the web forum.
Additional Settings tab
Contains additional parameters for receiving messages (for example, maximum number of messages per one connection or maximum message size).
User mailbox
Form for creating/editing user mailbox:

Below are the details for some fields:
- E-mail service - selects one of previously created email services
You can manage the list of email services, available at the Control panel's "E-mail services" page at Services > Mail > Email Services. Users can connect e-mails only in services from this list. Account administrator can configure this list, permit or restrict specific email services to be used at an individual account;
- Mail server (IMAP) / port - indicates mail server name with located mailbox and port number (usually, port 993) used for data transfer;
- Owner - selects one of site users with this mailbox to be attached.