Views: 4002
Last Modified: 26.12.2023
When system doesn't have a field for necessary data |
A custom field is a system feature you can use to add your own fields to system objects.
You need to differentiate Custom fields in the system modules and iblock properties.
Custom fields are:
- more universal in contrast to iblock properties, because they can be specified for various system objects
- limited in features, because they have a small number of object types and data.
Custom fields can be created in an unlimited number for each object. When selecting a specific custom fields, additional settings become available for corresponding type.
When creating a custom field, you must indicate module-specific objects in the system:
Built-in custom field objects
Module | Object | Description |
Kernel | USER | User |
Blogs | BLOG_BLOG | Blog |
BLOG_POST | Blog post |
BLOG_COMMENT | Message comment |
Tasks | TASKS_TASK | Tasks |
TASKS_SCRUM_ITEM | Drive files link |
TASKS_TASK_TEMPLATE_CHECKLIST | Checklist in templates |
TASKS_TASK_CHECKLIST | Checklist in tasks |
Information blocks | IBLOCK_N_SECTION | iblock sections with ID = N |
IBLOCK_N | iblock with ID = N |
Calendar | CALENDAR_EVENT | Calendar events |
Training | LEARN_ATTEMPT | Test runs |
Social network | SONET_GROUP | Social network groups |
SONET_COMMENT | Comments |
SONET_LOG | Logs |
Document library | WEBDAV | Document library |
Forum | FORUM_MESSAGE | Forum messages |
Highload blocks | HLBLOCK_N | Highload block with ID=N |
Commercial catalog | PRODUCT | Products |
CAT_STORE | Warehouses |
CAT_STORE_DOCUMENT_A | "Stock receipt" inventory object |
CAT_STORE_DOCUMENT_S | "Stock adjustment" inventory object |
CAT_STORE_DOCUMENT_M | "Stock transfer" inventory object |
CAT_STORE_DOCUMENT_R | "Return" inventory object |
CAT_STORE_DOCUMENT_D | "Write off" inventory object |
CAT_STORE_DOCUMENT_U | "Cancel reservation" inventory object |
Shopping cart | RECYCLEBIN_DISK | Shopping cart items |
CRM | CRM_MAIL_TEMPLATE | Email templates |
CRM_TIMELINE | Timeline |
CRM_LEAD | Leads |
CRM_DEAL | Deals |
CRM_COMPANY | Companies |
CRM_CONTACT | Contacts |
CRM_ORDER | Orders |
CRM_INVOICE | Invoices |
CRM_(смарт-процесс) | SPA |
CRM_ACTIVITY | workflow activities |
CRM_QUOTE | Estimates |
CRM_LEAD_SPD | Leads with binding to shopping cart items |
CRM_DEAL_SPD | Deals with binding to shopping cart items |
CRM_COMPANY_SPD | Companies with binding to shopping cart items |
CRM_CONTACT_SPD | Contacts with binding to shopping cart items |
CRM_ORDER_SPD | Orders with binding to shopping cart items |
CRM_INVOICE_SPD | invoices with binding to shopping cart items |
CRM_(SPA)_SPD | SPAs with binding to sopping cart items |
CRM_ACTIVITY_SPD | Workflow activities with binding to shopping cart items |
CRM_QUOTE_SPD | Estimates with binding to shopping cart items |
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) | RPA_(process id) | Automation rule |
RPA_COMMENT | Comments to automation rule |
Not all modules offer default objects for custom fields. Developer can create their own objects as required.
Note: All modules that utilize information blocks can access custom field objects of the Information blocks module.