Views: 3418
Last Modified: 01.09.2021
Lists module configuration can be done at the Control Panel of Settings > System Settings > Module settings > Common Lists (lists) page.
Access permissions tab
Attention! Lists have an expanded variety of granted access permissions independently from Information blocks settings in the Control Panel.
Access permission tab defines, which user groups have access permissions to iblocks, used as lists. To configure access, select a corresponding iblock in the User groups column, and in the Iblock types column - assign a corresponding iblock type for selected group.
User groups, specified in this tab, can create their own custom lists (iblocks) in the indicated iblock type and edit existing ones, independently from other groups.
Social network tab
Setting a flag in the Use Common Lists in social network field, grants permission for Lists to be visible in the Workgroups.

The iblock type field must have a required iblock type selected, to be used as lists in Social Network. Various iblock type area available for use as data source for Social Network, as well as for lists on other project pages.
Activity Stream tab

The option Information block type for use in Activity Stream indicates iblock type for handling the Activity Stream, as well as the folder for component.