Views: 3260
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

Chatbots module setup

Configuration is performed at the page Settings > System Settings >Module Settings > Bitrix24 Chat bots:

  • Website public address - instance and protocol URL must be correctly defined. Closing slash character is optional.
  • Debug mode - option enables logging for module operation in the file /bitrix/modules/imbot.log.

    Note: File writes only error log. Enable is option only for debugging, message tracing log is not written into this file.

  • Allow longer wait time - option appears after enabling Debug mode. Enabling affects number of occupied hosting workers. When this option is activated, a worker will be occupied until chatbot response (and it can take up to dozens of seconds). That's why this option must be enabled, only when environment setup was incorrect and it blocks incoming requests from
  • Chatbots - chatbot enabling options. Giphy option shows images by request.

Note: When messaging encounters any issues, enable the option Allow longer wait time in the module's options.

Technical support chat messages setup

To simplify administrator and developer queries to Bitrix24 Technical Support, it's recommended to use Support for Bitrix24 On-premise editions chatbot. Enabling chat bot entails the following:

  1. Address, indicated in the Website public address field must be accessible via Internet.
  2. SSL certificate must be valid.
  3. Instance license must be active.


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