Views: 2558
Last Modified: 27.07.2022
The Trouble tickets page (Services > Helpdesk > Trouble tickets) shows the list of all messages, received by technical support (helpdesk) service. Special indicators help visually evaluate the current message statuses:
- your counterpart replied to the ticket last time (you are responsible);
- your counterpart replied to the ticket last time (you are not responsible);
- you who replied to the ticket last time;
- helpdesk staff member answered the ticket last time;
- ticket closed.
Additionally, system can display the following message next to the indicator:
- Almost expired! – period for answering this message will expire soon (according to SLA parameters);
- Expired! – answer date for this message has expired.
Page filter is configured to display messages that an tech support employee is responsible for by default:
- top of the list shows expired messages (Expired!);
- then messages that will require an answer soon (Expires soon!)
- next all the rest of messages are listed in the queue. The message queue is set based on the answer date (according to SLA parameters).
If the helpdesk employee has responded to a message, such message is marked by a green indicator and moved to the end of the list.
Note: Message position in the queue won't change, if:
- author has edited or supplemented the created message/ticket with new messages;
- technical support (helpdesk) employee has added comment or a extra hidden message to an existing message.
Tech support administrator by default can view all messages that will require an answer very soon (i. e. with yellow or red color indicator).