Views: 3059
Last Modified: 29.07.2022

User can create a technical support (helpdesk) message/ticket using several methods. For example, by writing an email to a company's tech support email. For this mechanism to operate properly, you need to perform the following system setup:

  Helpdesk module settings

  • Create an E-Mail source (if you haven't done so already) at the Source page (Services > Helpdesk > Reference book > Source). The Mnemonic code field must indicate email:

  • Create a category at the Category page ( Services > Helpdesk > Reference book > Category ) that will be used for tickets, received by technical support (helpdesk) by email. Once again, the Mnemonic code field must contain the email value:

  Mail module settings

  • The Mailboxes page (Services > Mail > Mailboxes) must have an email account entry for technical support:

    You can add a new entry using the New rule button, located at the context panel. You can edit an existing entry using the actions menu (Edit menu item) or by double-clicking at the corresponding entry.

  • Add a new email processing rule at the Rules page ( Services > Mail > Rules ). When creating a new rule, select the type adding message to techsupport.
  • You must indicate the name of the rule inside Parameters tab and select a mailbox with messages to apply the rule.
  • At the Conditions tab, indicate the conditions for adding the mail message to tech support:

  • Additionally, select the option yes, try to associate trouble ticket with the user in the field Identify registered user by e-mail. Then, indicate the site to associate the message and select the category with email mnemonic code (see the above description for creating Email tickets category).

    If necessary, you can assign priority level for new messages, received by email (priority levels must be created beforehand at the page Services > Helpdesk > Reference book > Priority.

As the result, when user writes an email to the company tech support, it will be added to the message list.


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