Views: 3152
Last Modified: 14.07.2021


Attention! Dropbox service supports the https protocol only.

For Dropbox, indicate App key and App secret parameters inside the settings of Social Website Integration module (Settings > System Settings > Module Settings > Social Website Integration ) and a special link inside the service settings:

Get the unique App key and App secret at the website Dropbox Developer.

To do it, proceed with the following actions:

  1. Create Dropbox app using the same-name link in Bitrix24 Social Website Integration module settings (Settings > System Settings > Module Settings > Social Website Integration). Upon app registration, select Dropbox API in the developer center and specify the app name in the Name your app field:


  2. Clicking on Create app opens page with app settings drop_2.png . Enter the required data - address from Social Website Integration module settings into Redirect URIs field and click Add:
  3. At the same page, retrieve App key and App secret, which must be entered into corresponding fields in the Bitrix24 Social Website Integration module settings (Settings > System Settings > Module Settings > Social Website Integration):

Note: With time, developers continually update social networks UI and settings interfaces.


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