Views: 2928
Last Modified: 14.07.2021

Attention! service supports the https protocol only.

To setup the service, indicate Identifier (client_id) and Secret code (client_secret), in the service settings as well as special link in the service settings for the Social Website Integration module (Settings > System settings > Module settings > Social Website Integration).

You can get the unqiue Identifier (client_id) and Secret code (client_secret) at the website Box Developers.

The following actions are required:

  1. Create new app via the same-name link in the Bitrix24 Social Website Integration module settings (Settings > System settings > Module settings > Social Website Integration). You can create Custom App or Enterprise Integration.

  2. When selecting method of authentication, select User authentication Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication) auth_met.png .
  3. Next, create a unique name Name.png for your application.
  4. After application is created Confirmation.png you can go to configuration overview. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret parameters at the config page and enter them into the corresponding fields in the Bitrix24 Social Website Integration module settings (Settings > System settings > Module Settings > Social Website Integration) .

  5. Enter URL from the Social Website Integration module settings in the field Redirect URI and click Save Changes.

Note: Third-party social services external product UI may differ from the interface depicted in the screenshots due to continuous updates released by developers.


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