System access permission specifics
In case, when element uses
iblock simple access permission settings - the mode when option Extended permission management: is disabled, and User Group Permissions section lists all available user groups in the system.
(legacy) permission version, then they are set externally (iblocks/list/and etc. access permissions settings). The only variant that allows setting permissions directly from workflow - is workflow setting for an individual element externally. In this case, the Access tab or Set Permission activity can change access permissions during the workflow progress. When using extended permissions Extended mode allows configuring access permissions not only to the complete iblock, but also to individual section and elements. , you can only add permissions from workflow to an element remaining even after workflow was completed. You cannot redefine inside the workflow the access permissions, defined externally. |
Views: 3521
Last Modified: 01.09.2021
Last Modified: 01.09.2021