Views: 3394
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

This activity allows creating a workgroup Workgroups (projects) help to aggregating all data, tasks, files, messages, meetings in a single location to be handled within a specific user group.

  Parameter description

  • Group name - indicates created group name. Required parameter;
  • Group owner - select user as a group owner. Only a single user can be a group owner. Required parameter;

    Important: workgroup can have only one Owner.
  • Group members - add workgroup members. Select both single members, departments and other workgroup members. Required parameter;
  • Departments - select departments to bind them to the new group, if required. Employees from selected departments will automatically bind to the workgroup Connected users – the users who was added to the workgroup or project as department member.

    Learn more at
    after it was created and can exit from it only after the department was deleted from the workgroup;
  • Target site - select site to associate the workgroup from list.


Create Sales and accounting workgroup. New group owner will be the user who launched the workflow. Indicate Author as the only group member. Select Accounting Dept. and Sales as departments.

The activity result creates new workgroup with specified name when launching the workflow. At first, the Author is the group owner and the only group member (the screenshot shows the same user called Administrator), and the rest of users - connected users from selected departments.

  Completed activity results

This activity results in available ID for the new group in the Insert Value - Additional Results form:


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