Views: 3094
Last Modified: 13.10.2021

This activity allows sending messages to /XMPP/e-mail When employed, user receives the message to XMPP, otherwise it will be sent as notification to the website (if user is not authorized at this website). When user is not authorized at the website, the message will be duplicated via email. website.

Parameter description

Notification text - indicates message text to be displayed as a notification at the website, if user doesn't use XMPP.
Text has an available formatting BBCode ([b], [i], [s], [u], [url]).

Notification text for email/jabber - indicates message text for e-mail/XMPP, to be sent, if user is not authorized at the website. Message text can be specified as different from website notification text, or it can match or the message field can be left as empty.

Notification type - allows indicating message source: system- or user-generated message.


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