Views: 3924
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

Launching company workflows


Company workflows (business processes) are designed to automate company activities. By default, there are five standard available workflows Important! If you do not want to work with company workflows at the account, request assisstance of Account administrator. :

  1. Expense report
  2. General requests
  3. Purchase request
  4. Leave approval
  5. Business trip request

Administrator can update and copy the workflows. Standard Bitrix24 edition allows creating custom worflows Creating a new company workflow, as well as editing and setup of already existing is available only with appropriate qualification and level of access permissions (by default - only for Administrator). . Handling of workflows is performed via the Business process button:


As soon as workflows are assigned personally to a specific user, they'll be displayed next to the Workflows menu item. Execution of assigned workflow assignments is performed in the Assignments (Workflows> Assignments). The tab displays the workflow details, customized via right mouse click at the table header. Description for assignments to be executed is provided as well.

Variants for getting detailed information on each assignment:

  • Select a corresponding command in the action menu.
  • Click right mouse button at the action box and select Details.
  • Double-click using left mouse button at the action box.

Use workflow filter for searching necessary processes in the list. Head of department can find processes, executed by subordinates and delegate them.

  Workflows in Feed

The Workflows in Feed for legacy versions of Bitrix24 On-premise, list of workflows is located in the tab Services > Workflows (Workflows> Workflows in Feed), user overviews and launches workflows with available access. Also, this section administrator specifies, which of processes are available for initiating directly from Feed Important! Feed only shows those processes for which your group of users have access permissions for. If you do not have access workflows to be handled at the account, contact the Account administrator. .

  My workflows

Launching workflows can be done via the tab Workflows> My workflows. This page stores all processes, which have been launched by you, including history and full details about them.

After clicking on the Run business process button, complete fields with input parameters for your workflow. At the same time, workflow parameters (Approved by, Paid by and etc.) must be specified preliminarily, otherwise the business process won't run .

  Running workflows

The Running workflows page (Workflows> Running workflows) shows list of launched workflows. This page is used to track execution of workflows and manage workflow performance issues. Common user will only view the list of workflows launched only him/her. Account administrator views all workflows (business processes), launched at the account (as well as zombie workflows) if required.

1 select modules with launched workflows. Also, selection of zombie workflows is available.

2 use filter for searching specific tasks.

3 configure list columns, by clicking right-mouse at header of table.

4 switch to the element via the action menu (administrators can delete elements).


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