Views: 3756
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

Below is the overview of manual start and autorun for workflows (business processes) in Bitrix24 On-premise.

Important! User must have a sufficient level of access permissions to handle workflows. When you cannot use workflows at the account, request them from Bitrix24 account administrator.

  Autorun setup for element workflows

Setup is performed at the Workflows page (settings menu in the section Drive > Company drive):

  • open the list of workflows;
  • at the Business Process Templates page, select Autorun method for a workflow inside the action menu - Execute during creation or Execute during modification;
  • workflow status launch is displayed in the Autorun column.

    Note: For example, in our case, uploaded document trigger the Approve Document with States workflow. When employee uploads file to the document section, he/she must specify all the required parameters for workflow launch.

  Manual Workflow launch

To manually launch workflow for a specific document:

  • Select a Workflows item in the document action menu and then find a required workflow (for example, Read element/Read document) Workflow item;
  • Indicate the necessary parameters for workflow start and click on the Start button.

Workflow will be launched and executed according to its template and preset settings.

  Employee workflow

Each employee views list of launched workflows via animated icons in the Name column next to the file name in the list of documents. If you participate in the workflow, you'll see exclamation mark next to the workflow .

Execution of tasks assigned by the workflow is performed at Workflows tab inside personal page.


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