Views: 4361
Last Modified: 30.05.2024

  Social Network module settings

Managing module's general settings is performed at the page Settings > System Settings > Module Settings > Social network:

  Global settings

The tab Social Network Settings contains global module settings:

  • Follow all Feed posts by default - when this option is marked for a social network, each new event (comment, message and etc.) will "raise" this event to the Feed's top. User decides whether to Unfollow a post inside Feed. When this option is disabled, to follow the event, click Follow under the required Feed's post.
  • Allow "To everyone" Feed posts - when this option is marked, you can indicate users or user groups that may send messages to all site/account users. Please be aware that with this option enabled, there is always a risk that user can send a message to users accidentally. For example, an employee in accounting creates a message with company financial data and forgets to check and edit a recipient. All users will see this message due to the default All setting.
  • Use "All employees" as default recipient - this option enables to forward to All users by default when creating a message. Option appears when the option Allow "All employees" as option in Activity Stream/Feed is enabled.
  • Enable workgroup chats - this option enables group chats in workgroups.
  • Use full text search index in the Feed - this option enables a full text search index.
  • Parameters, configurable for each website individually

    Parameters, configurable for each website user individually

    Parameters, configurable for each website (-s) group individually

      Access permissions

    The tab Access permissions configures module permissions for user groups. The following access permissions can be assigned:

    • Default. Level of user access permissions with specified "default" permission.
    • [D] can view public section, cannot create groups – users are permitted to view social network pages with enabled personal profile editing. (Default setting: allowed for all groups.)
    • [K] can view public section, can create groups – users are permitted to view social network pages with enabled personal profile editing and option to create workgroups.
    • [R] read access to Control Panel – permission to manage social network elements from public section and permission to view them in admin section without editing.
    • [W] full access – full access permission to module resources.
    • Add access permission. Link allowing to add an additional permission for user group.

    Note: Managing specific features can be done for both all sites as well as for specific sites via checkmarks in corresponding fields.

    Note: Access permission levels can view public section, can create groups and full access for the module can divided per sites. In case Bitrix24 account uses multiple departments and multiple sites, then the social network administrator for a single site (department) can have full access or permission to create workgroups within one site's social network and have different permissions according social network settings for another site.


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