Views: 5623
Last Modified: 15.11.2023

  User access permissions

Each site visitor is assigned to one or several site user groups. Level of user group access permissions matches with user's access permissions level. When user is assigned to several groups, this user has maximum levels of permissions, available for a user within these groups.

Examples access permissions for user assigned to several groups

  User registration in the system

When registering in the system, the user receives personal authentication data (login and password) and is assigned to several groups.

When the system has the enabled self-registration User self-registration can be enabled when installing the instance using the corresponding option or inside the Main module settings.

You must delete the file /bitrix/wizards/bitrix/demo/public_files/en/auth/index.php when using this option. Not doing so forwards a third-party user to authorization form and unsanctioned adding of a new user is possible.
, the system creates a personal account for newly registered user, assigning such user to a default group, indicated in the settings of the Main module (Settings > System settings > Modules > Main module). Administrator can re-assign this user in the future.

After user has self-registered in the system and corresponding access permissions are available, the top section of public site will show the Control Panel , containing set of commands for managing the site.

Set of buttons, displayed to the user depends on the access permission of the group that this user is assigned to. For example, this panel won't be displayed for users having read only access permissions for site public pages. Full set of buttons is displayed to the site administrator.


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