Views: 4141
Last Modified: 12.10.2021

All content you upload onto a site consist of elements. Depending on the content composition (it can be site pages, iblock elements, banners and etc.), different lists are generated, but they are all generated based on a single principle.

  Structure of list of elements

1 - Panel for filter and search. The Filter+search allows finding a required product, news item, banner - anything - among the large number of single-type elements.

Visually this tool is a search bar. 2 - Context panel (specifically panel with actions to be performed with list, for example, adding element or upload list into Excel). Panel contents can differ depending on the list of elements.
3 - Column with flags. Allows selecting elements, to be handled with actions.
4 - Action menu. List of commands List of possible action depends on content type.
For example, it will look as follows for the list of products:

, to be executed with a single element.
5 - the list of elements.
6 - page navigation.
7 - window for selecting a number of elements at a single list page.
8 - panel of group actions. Actions to be performed with column elements marked by flags.

  Displayed fields settings

To select specific fields, click on the cogwheel icon above the action menu column.

Select the required fields in the new window that opens and click Apply:

To quickly change the column positions on the screen, drag them in required locations, by grabbing them by left mouse button.

  View all iblock elements

By default, the list shows hierarchical structure (first sections, then elements):

If you need to view all elements in a single list independently from sections, remove the flag in the iblock module settings from the field Use Explorer-like view for sections and elements . If you don't have access permissions for this action, request them from site administrator.

  Group edit

To quickly edit several elements, mark them in the flag column and click on the Edit button.

After that, the fields become available that you selected list settings: Ensure that when handling single type files (in out case - with the element list), all the most important parameters were visible, i. e. you won't have to open each element and all can viewed on a single able. It will significantly save time, allowing to avoid routine actions.

Bitrix24 can have customized options for configuring list of elements. That is, only elements you need will be displayed!


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