Views: 17766
Last Modified: 21.12.2016

To change the settings for Bitrix Web Environment:

  • Right-click on the Bitrix Web Environment icon in the system tray.
  • Select Settings... in the menu.

  • This will bring up the application start-up parameters dialog box:

Edit the parameters as required. For additional references provided below is a brief description of the dialog box options.

  • Apache Web Server:
    - the port at which the server will be available;
    - the check box option to run the web server is secure mode (SSL), and the port for SSL connection.
  • Start Services:
    - MySQL - runs a MySQL server at start-up;
    - port for use by the MySQL server by default;
    - XMPP - runs an XMPP messaging server (previously known as Jabber);
    - SMTP - runs a mail server.
  • Mail:
    - Send E-Mail Using Bitrix Web Environment - with this option enabled, the e-mail messages will be sent using the SMTP server specified below;
    - SMTP Server - the address of the outgoing e-mail server;
    - Default Sender - specifies the e-mail address seen by recipients as the sender (“From”);
    - Server Requires Authentification - if this option is checked, the username and password will be used for logging on to the SMTP server.

    Bitrix Web Environment 2.0 uses a built-in SMTP server to send e-mails (MSMTP). If you prefer to keep the Send E-Mail Using Bitrix Web Environment option unchecked, the e-mail server specified in php.ini (C:/Program Files/Bitrix Environment/apache2/zendserver/etc/) will be used instead.

  • Use A Separate Process To Send Messages And Run Agents - specifies that, if checked, the system will run a separate dedicated process in which the e-mail server and agents will run. This usually improves system robustness and optimizes performance.
  • Run Bitrix Web Environment At Windows Start-up (as a service) - if checked, Windows will start the Bitrix Web Environment service when Windows is loading. You can provide a custom name for the service.

Another way to edit these settings is by opening the bitrixenv.ini file from the Bitrix Web Environment installation folder (e.g., C:/Program Files/Bitrix Environment/).
ApachePortSSL=443 ; SSL port
StartApacheSSL=0 ; secure SSL mode
MySQLPort=31006 ; MySQL server port
StartMySQL=1 ; 1 - start MySQL server, 0 – don’t start
StartXMPP=1 ; 1 to start XMPP server, 0 – don’t start
StartSMTP=1 ; 1 to start SMTP server, 0 – don’t start
StartAgents=1 ; 1 to start Apache agents, 0 – don’t start
StartMSMTP=0 ; 1 to start built-in SMTP server , 0 – don’t start
ServiceName=BitrixEnv ; name for the Windows service 
MSMTPAuth=0 ; use SMTP authentication (when StartSMTP is 1), 0 – don’t start
MSMTPServer=localhost ; built-in SMTP server address (used when StartSMTP is 1)
MSMTPAuthPassword=123456 ; password for built-in SMTP server; used when StartSMTP and MSMTPServer are 1
MSMTPAuthLogin=admin ; login for built-in SMTP server; used when StartSMTP and MSMTPServer are 1
ApachePort=6448 ; default port for use by Apache
MSMTPFrom=support@server.local ; default sender address 

Important: Use Bitrix Web Environment for testing purposes only. We don't recommend using it in release configurations.

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