Views: 10052
Last Modified: 31.08.2018

Platform version:

MethodMethod description
im.revision.get Gets information about API revisions.

Working dialogs:

MethodMethod description
im.dialog.messages.get Gets the list of last messages in chat.

Working with messages:

MethodMethod description
im.message.add Sends message to chat.
im.message.update Updates chatbot message.
im.message.delete Deletes chatbot message. "Like" a message.

Working with files:

MethodMethod description
im.disk.folder.get Gets information on folder storing files for chat
im.disk.file.commit Publishes loaded file in the chat.
im.disk.file.delete Deletes files inside chat folder.

Working with users:

MethodMethod description
im.user.get Gets user data.
im.user.list.get Gets multiple users data. Gets list of users with access to business tools.
im.user.status.get Gets information on the specified user status.
im.user.status.set Specifies user status.
im.user.status.idle.start Specifies automatic status "Away"
im.user.status.idle.end Disables automatic status "Away"

Working with departments:

MethodMethod description
im.department.get Gets department data.
im.department.colleagues.list Gets list of users in your department.
im.department.managers.get Gets list of department managers.
im.department.employees.get Gets list of employees in a department.

Working with search:

MethodMethod description Searches for users. Searches for chats. Searches for departments. Gets list of elements of the last search. Adds a history element of the last search. Deletes a history element of the last search.

Working with the list of recent chats:

MethodMethod description
im.recent.get Gets the last user dialogs. Pins dialog in favorites.
im.recent.hide Deletes dialog from the list of recent chats.

Working with counters:

MethodMethod description
im.counters.get Gets counter data.

Working with notifications:

MethodMethod description
im.notify.personal.add Sends personal notification.
im.notify.system.add Sends sysytem notification.
im.notify.delete Deletes notification. Cancels notification for read messages.

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