Views: 2133
Last Modified: 08.02.2022

Sending system notification

Revision Get current information about current API revision (platform version) – im.revision.get : 30


Parameter Example Required Description Revision
SKIP_OPENLINES 'Y' No Skip Open lines chats 30
SKIP_DIALOG 'N' No Skip "person-to-person" conversations 30
SKIP_CHAT 'Y' No Skip chats 30
LAST_MESSAGE_DATE '2021-10-30' No Date of the last chat message 30

Called method and response


    LAST_MESSAGE_DATE: '2021-10-30'
  res => {
    if (res.error())

Response example

  "items": [
      "id": "chat71",
      "chat_id": 71,
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      "title": "Violet guest No.3 - Open line 2",
      "message": {
        "id": 267,
        "text": "Form sent \"Contact details for open lines\" [Attachment]",
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        "author_id": 0,
        "attach": true,
        "date": "2021-10-27T18:20:45+02:00",
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      "date_update": "2021-10-27T18:20:45+02:00",
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        "date_create": "2021-10-27T18:20:12+02:00",
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      "options": []
      "id": "chat69",
      "chat_id": 69,
      "type": "chat",
      "avatar": {
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        "color": "#3e99ce"
      "title": "Blue guest No.3 - Open line 2",
      "message": {
        "id": 258,
        "text": "Form sent \"Contact details for open lines\" [Attachment]",
        "file": false,
        "author_id": 0,
        "attach": true,
        "date": "2021-10-27T18:16:22+02:00",
        "status": "received"
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      "unread": false,
      "date_update": "2021-10-27T18:16:22+02:00",
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        "date_create": "2021-10-27T18:15:43+02:00",
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      "lines": {
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        "date_create": "2021-10-27T18:15:43+02:00"
      "user": {
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      "id": "chat67",
      "chat_id": 67,
      "type": "chat",
      "avatar": {
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        "color": "#29619b"
      "title": "Sky blue guest No.2 - Open line 2",
      "message": {
        "id": 250,
        "text": "hi",
        "file": false,
        "author_id": 2014,
        "attach": false,
        "date": "2021-10-27T17:11:36+02:00",
        "status": "received"
      "counter": 5,
      "pinned": false,
      "unread": false,
      "date_update": "2021-10-27T17:11:36+02:00",
      "chat": {
        "id": 67,
        "name": "Sky blue guest No.2 - Open line 2",
        "owner": 0,
        "extranet": false,
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        "color": "#29619b",
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        "date_create": "2021-10-27T16:59:34+02:00",
        "message_type": "L"
      "lines": {
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        "status": 5,
        "date_create": "2021-10-27T16:59:34+02:00"
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      "options": []
      "id": "chat65",
      "chat_id": 65,
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      "avatar": {
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        "color": "#df532d"
      "title": "John Tester - Open line 2",
      "message": {
        "id": 225,
        "text": "New deal created [Attachment]",
        "file": false,
        "author_id": 0,
        "attach": true,
        "date": "2021-10-25T14:48:28+02:00",
        "status": "received"
      "counter": 6,
      "pinned": false,
      "unread": false,
      "date_update": "2021-10-25T14:48:28+02:00",
      "chat": {
        "id": 65,
        "name": "John Tester - Open line 2",
        "owner": 0,
        "extranet": false,
        "avatar": "",
        "color": "#df532d",
        "type": "lines",
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        "entity_id": "livechat|2|64|2011",
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        "entity_data_2": "LEAD|0|COMPANY|0|CONTACT|9|DEAL|12",
        "entity_data_3": "",
        "mute_list": [],
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        "date_create": "2021-10-25T14:48:00+02:00",
        "message_type": "L"
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        "status": 5,
        "date_create": "2021-10-25T14:48:00+02:00"
      "user": {
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      "options": []
      "id": "chat39",
      "chat_id": 39,
      "type": "chat",
      "avatar": {
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        "color": "#4ba984"
      "title": "No robot chat",
      "message": {
        "id": 161,
        "text": "here's the question",
        "file": false,
        "author_id": 1,
        "attach": false,
        "date": "2021-10-08T13:19:33+02:00",
        "status": "delivered"
      "counter": 0,
      "pinned": false,
      "unread": false,
      "date_update": "2021-10-08T13:19:33+02:00",
      "chat": {
        "id": 39,
        "name": "No robot chat",
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        "date_create": "2021-09-27T15:57:53+02:00",
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      "options": []
      "id": 1018,
      "chat_id": 28,
      "type": "user",
      "avatar": {
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      "title": "Chris Maxwell",
      "message": {
        "id": 160,
        "text": "Pushes incoming",
        "file": false,
        "author_id": 1018,
        "attach": false,
        "date": "2021-10-08T13:19:32+02:00",
        "status": "delivered"
      "counter": 0,
      "pinned": false,
      "unread": false,
      "date_update": "2021-10-08T13:20:59+02:00",
      "user": {
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        "absent": false,
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        "desktop_last_date": "2021-10-18T16:51:09+02:00"
      "options": []
  "hasMore": false

Key description:

  • id – dialog ID (numeral indicates a user; when chatXXX – indicates chat)
  • type – record type (user indicates a user, when chat – indicates chat)
  • avatar – record avatar description object:
    • url – avatar link (when empty, avatar is specified)
    • color – dialog color in hex format
  • title – record title (first and last name – for user, dialog name – for chat)
  • messages – message description object:
    • id – message ID
    • text – message text (without BB-codes and line breaks)
    • file – files are available (true/false)
    • attach – attachments are available (true/false)
    • author_id – message author
    • date – message date
  • counter – unread messages counter
  • user – user data description object (unavailable, when this record type - chat):
    • id – user ID
    • name – user first and last name
    • first_name – user first name
    • last_name – user last name
    • work_position – position
    • color – user color in hex format
    • avatar – avatar link (when empty, avatar is not specified)
    • gender – user gender
    • birthday – user birthday in DD-MM format, when empty – not specified
    • extranet – extranet user attribute (true/false)
    • networkBitrix24.Network network user attribute (true/false)
    • bot – bot attribute (true/false)
    • connector – open lines user attribute (true/false)
    • external_auth_id – external auth code
    • status – selected user status
    • idle – date, when user is away from computer, in АТОМ format (when not specified, then false)
    • last_activity_date – date of the user last activity in АТОМ format
    • mobile_last_date – date of the last activity in mobile app in АТОМ format (when not specified, then false)
    • absent – date when user vacation ends, in АТОМ format (when not specified, then false)
  • chat – chat data object description (unavailable, when record type is user):
    • id – chat ID
    • title – chat name
    • owner – chat owner-user ID
    • extranet – extranet user chat participation attribute (true/false)
    • color – chat color in hex format
    • avatar – avatar link (when empty, then avatar is not specified)
    • type – chat type (group chat, call chat, open lines chat and etc.)
    • entity_type – external code for chat – type
    • entity_id – chat external code – ID
    • entity_data_1 – external data for chat
    • entity_data_2 – external data for chat
    • entity_data_3 – external data for chat
    • date_create – chat created date in АТОМ format
    • message_type – chat message type
  • pinned – attached chat or not
  • unread – manual mark for chat as unread
  • date_update – date of the last update in associated entities

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