Views: 11043
Last Modified: 02.09.2024

Attention! Provided settings are listed outside the scope of the Virtual Appliance menu. This means that the details below are provided for informational purposes only and should be used with clear understanding of your actions and under your own liability. Bitrix24 technical support reviews the questions related to Virtual Appliance menu items only.

To simplify the work with Bitrix Framework the Xdebug is included into the Virtual Appliance. It works as per the diagram:

Prior to modifying the settings, the file xdebug.ini.disabled should be renamed to xdebug.ini and httpd restarted.

To configure the Virtual Appliance, use the following example:

$ cat /etc/php.d/xdebug.ini
; Enable xdebug extension module

Attention! Xdebug requires using proxy when working via Network Address Translation (NAT); open port 9000 is required.

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