Views: 16527
Last Modified: 05.08.2020

Adding servers to the pool (cluster) is needed for system scalability, to distribute the load between several servers. If you don't have additional servers, then it is not necessary to add servers to the pool.

Note: The server that is added to the pool (cluster) should have BitrixVA or BitrixEnv installed.

Attention! Server in the pool does not mean a site! If you need to create or add a website in the BitrixEnv, proceed to the menu Configure pool sites.

Adding a new server to the pool (cluster) is performed via the 1. Manage servers in the pool > 1. Add new host to the pool menu.

To do that, it is necessary to configure IP-address or DNS-server name, select a short name (in the example - server2) and enter root password for connected server:

Note: Server name can be selected at random: for example, you can indicate such name: bx1, server10, (domain name is also permitted, if it is singular), etc.

Accordingly, any number of servers can be added to the pool:

Now, any pool server can be managed from one Virtual Appliance.

Note: If you enter the server in the pool, the system will notify you on this server availability in the pool and that the managed menu cannot be displayed:

Attention! Task execution may take a rather long time (up to 2-3 hours and more) depending on the task complexity, data volume used in such tasks, capacity and server load. You can check the currently executed tasks by using menu item 5. Background tasks in the pool > 1. View running tasks. If task completion log files are needed to be reviewed, they are located in the following directory /opt/webdir/temp.

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