Views: 12024
Last Modified: 31.03.2014
The site archive is created on the Backup page (Settings > Tools > Backup > Create Backup):

- The site archive may be saved in Bitrix Cloud;
Note: the copy option in Bitrix Cloud is only available for users with an active license. In addition, for safety’s sake, all backup copies of the site are always encrypted before they are sent to Bitrix Cloud. Bitrix, Inc. cannot recover or change the password! Be careful, the archive cannot be recovered without the password!
- Or in the site folder (site archive will be saved in the /bitrix/backup/ folder of the hosting with a unique filename).
Advanced backup settings can be selected in the tab Parameters:

Note: to ensure data safety, it is recommended to enable the option Encrypt archive data and enter a password for the site archive.
After the successful creation of the site archive it will be available on the page View existing backups (Settings > Tools > View Existing backups). All backups will be shown here:

Then, you will have to Get the link for migration using the action menu:

and copy it to the exchange buffer in the window that opens:

The site archive may also be downloaded to a local computer using the Download menu option.